Officially there isn’t a way to customize Demand Workbench; this can be an issue if you need to stop the creation of artifacts from the context menù (like project or enhancement).
Anyway there’s a way to block this feature.
When the button “Create Project” is pressed, Demand Workbench invokes the processor “workbenchAjaxProcessor”.
In the script of the processor, the variable g_request contains referer, so we can check if the processor is invoked from Demand Workbench
var refererURL = g_request.getHeader('referer');
And check on the referURL to find Demand Workbench
var inDemandWorkbench = refererURL.includes('$');
And use it to stop the creation
It’s possible to show an error message through the variable “response”.
if (method == 'createProject' && inDemandWorkbench) {
response = {error: 'Cannot create project from demand workbench'};
response = (new JSON()).encode(response);