A few days ago the knowledge22 in The Hague ended, my first knowledge conference! 🎉
I had exactly no idea what to expect. Post-pandemic, post-expatriation, post-lots of things in my life.
Will there only be guys in suits? Or nerds who respected stay-at-home order even before covid?
Better to get to The Hague to discover it! Or, in fact, Amsterdam first, via Milan. Thank you Luxembourg 🇱🇺 for celebrating Europe Day 🇪🇺 and allowing me to do the…pont de vacances!
Thank you EasyJet and thank you very efficient Dutch trains. Even with the funny shape of a bullet.
First Day 11/05
Not the best start. No eggs for breakfast and bus blocked by… horses and carriages?
In any case, past the horses, carriages and the rest, the conference centre is in front of us!
Let’s see the schedule for today:
BIG. It happens to me while working, while debugging an IRE import, while explaining the ever present difference between CSM and ITSM, to think of ServiceNow as a company behind a url, not as a whole ecosystem. It is. And it is BIG.
ServiceNow is BIG.
It starts with the weirdness. Earl and Brad have legs! They walk! Seeing them outside the classic YouTube rectangles or slack icon is strange. Will it be forever? Anyway see you on YouTube!
OK, tech sessions generate interest. And they are interesting. Unfortunately, finding a place is harder than finding pizzoccheri in Luxembourg.
Let’s hear from someone else who has embraced CSDM. It is damn interesting to see a different point of view from the one I am used to. To see the difficulties, the commitment required and the results.
✔️ [Regain 30 minutes of lost productivity a day with SN Utils][sn-utils]{:target=”_blank”}
How on earth did I live for years without /diff ?!?!
We end the first day of the conference with Dutch beers before going to see the sea. I have never been a sea person. After all, in Milan they have sea port underground station, not the actual sea.
Second Day 12/05
No horses this time, just beautiful Dutch weather and bicycles trying to terminate my life
The main events will be three (OK, two. Have lunch trying to avoid spaghetti with cream form the previous day does not count).
✔️ Building a Killer Experience with UI Builder
OH. YES. I finally managed to achieve something decent with UI Builder. And it looks good for some use-cases too! I hope to be able to find a project where I can use UI Builder ASAP.
✔️ Leverage RPA to automate mundane and repetitive tasks
Another topic I was very curious about. Here I will have to bang my head a lot to come up with something production-ready but the premises are interesting.
It also reminded me of the time when, using a firefox plugin called…um…UI Macro I think…it was possible to scrape data from instagram pages to save the number of followers of certain profiles into a MySQL DB. Cool times!
At the end of these two days, the knowledge inspire me, made me see the passion that everyone puts into improving the lives of others through this platform! A needed energy boost.
See you next year!
Maybe one day I will get on this stage! 🤞🏽
Thanks SPOC!